It was my privilege to be part of the launch of BIM4SME this week. This is one of the several key task groups in the UK BIM implementation strategy.
There were several presentations by various people representing SMEs from different sectors, designers, contractors, and suppliers. Real people talking about the real issues of implementing BIM at grass routes level and what it means for industry.
Chloe Smith, minister responsible for the Construction Strategy, made an eloquent speech about the Government perspective and the business case for implementation.
As I’ve said before, SMEs are the engine room for BIM – agile, responsive, innovative, turning on a sixpence (apologies to those who don’t know what a sixpence is!) SMEs are able to decide and embrace change with lightning speed compared to their much larger competitors who are lumbering giants in comparison. Most projects are entirely reliant on SME’s for delivery.
Many SMEs are owner operated and implemented (just like me!). No conferring, just get on with it! Perhaps small really is beautiful after all. The future is more networked, connected, collaborative and digital.
Check out BIM4SME here – some great stuff happening….
One to watch for the future!